
Tea Sesar


Tea Sesar is a literary critic, essayist and professor of literature. She was born in 1987 in Zagreb, where she graduated in Croatian studies at the Faculty of Philosophy. During her studies, she was one of the editors on the Lexicon of Croatian Literary Critics project under the mentorship of prof. Ph.D. sc. Krešimir Bagić. She has been publishing literary reviews and essays since 2018, first in Behar, and then on the web-portal Kritika h,d,p of the Croatian Society of Writers, of which she is a permanent contributor. She worked at the Fraktura Bookstore, and since 2023 she has been employed as an assistant at the Department of Literature, Performing Arts and Media Culture at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb. She is currently attending the postgraduate study "Croatian philology in an intercultural context". She is engaged in researching contemporary literature for children and adults.


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