
Haris Pašović


For over three decades, Haris Pašović has been one of the leading theater directors in Southeast Europe. He is the artistic director of East West Center in Sarajevo and Sarajevo Fest. The plays he directed were played in more than 20 countries of the world on three continents, including the world's largest art festivals: Edinburgh International Festival, Festival d'Avignon, Singapore Arts Festival and others. He was the director of the Italian international festival Mittelfest. He directed in Italy, Great Britain, China, Malta, Poland and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. During the Siege of Sarajevo, in 1993, Pašović, as director, renewed and reformed the MESS Festival, which he transformed into the International Theater Festival MESS and founded the first Sarajevo Film Festival with the subtitle "After the End of the World." Also, during the Siege, he directed several plays including "In the Country of Last Things" based on Paul Auster's novel. Pašović was the editor of the translation of this novel by Auster, which was printed and published in wartime Sarajevo in 1994. Two years later, he was the editor of the edition of Auster's book "The Invention of Solitude." Pašović writes plays („Svijet mogućnosti“; „Marlene Dietrich –  Pet tačaka optužnice“; „Pobuna u Narodnom pozorištu“; „Otkrivanje žene“; „Mujo, Suljo i Fata u društvu spektakla“ etc.) and essays ("City the Engaged"; "Divine Uncertainty and the Fall of Nationalism"; "Love for Life with an Element of Divine Madness”). He is a professor of Directing at the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo and a professor at the IEDC Business School in Bled, Slovenia. At the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad he taught at the Master's course in Acting. Pašović graduated in Directing at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, in the class of prof. Bore Drašković. He was also educated in the USA, Denmark and France.

Photo © Primož Korošec


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