
Sanjin Fazlić


Sanjin Fazlić, born in 1977 in Sarajevo, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo in 2001, at the Department of Graphics, where he is currently a postgraduate student. In 2006, he founded the Association for the Advancement of Visual Pop-Culture of Young People, Inventura, and since 2008, he has worked as an NGO Strategic Communications Associate for the Youth Fashion Center "Abrašević" Mostar and as an Associate for Public Education Methodology for the Non-Governmental Organization "Gariwo " Sarajevo. In 2010, he founded the Agency for Advertising, Propaganda and Graphic Design "Committee", Sarajevo, as a result of many years of experience in working with printed and electronic media, and in the segment of multimedia communication. In the period from 1997 until today, he participated in more than 20 exhibitions and public performances. Sanjin Fazlić is the winner of several awards and recognitions such as: Vive Le Talent, "Sarajevo" poster design award, COLLEGIUM ARTISTICUM 2008, award for the interior of the "SPORT LIFE" SPORTS EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT STORE, SARAJEVO, collaborator on the project (graphic design - visual identity of the object), "Premio Asiago", in the city of Asiago, Italy, award for postage stamp design, 2nd place at the "International Art Biennale", Iran, first prize at the competition of the Belgian, Greek and Irish delegation of ECMM Sarajevo, third prize at the competition of the Belgian, Greek and Irish delegations of ECMM Sarajevo and first prize at the competition organized by the Belgian delegation of ECMM Sarajevo.


Page created within the project "Digital Bookstan" with support from