
Sinan Gudžević


Sinan Gudžević was born in 1953 in Grab, Golija, between Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Ivanjica. He is a philologist by education. He studied electrical engineering and philology in Belgrade, Pisa and Munich. He writes and translates verses and prose from Latin, ancient Greek, German, Italian, Russian and Portuguese. Among other things, he translated two treatises on the lie of Aurelius Augustine, Oration on the Dignity of Man by Pico della Mirandola, The Night Journey of the Prophet Muhammad by an unknown author, and thousands of verses by poets, participants in Sarajevo meetings dedicated to Izet Sarajlić. He published books of poetry: Građa za pripovetke (Prosveta, Belgrade 1978), Rimski epigrami (Biblioteka Feral Tribune, Split, 2001), Demon po imenu sutra (Fraktura, Zagreb 2018), Protiv svih nastava – četiri teksta o parodijama Predraga Lucića (Algoritam, Zagreb 2013), Bendžo u Grabu (Official Gazette, Belgrade 2020). He lives in Zagreb.

Photo © Tone Stojko


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