
Selvedin Avdić


Selvedin Avdić, born in Zenica in 1969. He works as an editor of the online magazine Žurnal. So far, he has published a collection of stories Podstanari i drugi fantomi, the novels Sedam strahova (Seven Terrors), Kap veselja, "intimate monograph" Moja fabrika and Autobusne bilješke and the diary Mali smakovi (Kako se zaista desilo). The novel Seven Terrors was published in Bosnia and Herzegovina (three editions), Croatia, Serbia (two editions), Macedonia, Egypt, Turkey (two editions), Great Britain (two editions), Denmark, Spain and Slovenia. It was included in the wider selection for the "IMPAC Dublin Award" and in the short selection for the "Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Award" in California, Jutarnji list in Zagreb and "Meša Selimović" in Tuzla. The British Guardian included the novel among the best paperback editions published in 2014. The novel Kap veselja has so far been published in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia. In 2018, the novel received the English PEN award for translated literature. Bus notes were published in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the motifs of the books Moja fabrika and Seven Terrors, theatrical plays were made.

Photo © Edvin Kalić


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